Our identity, understood primarily as a sense and awareness of self and an entity distinct from others, is by definition provisional and fragile. Every year thousands of bodies are found in Europe without identity. Many of these bodies could not be given an identity and consequently a dignified burial; they are mostly prostitutes, homeless, migrants, and especially shipwrecked. The phenomenon has increased in recent years due to the growing flow of migration from countries in Africa.
The National Registry of Unidentified Corpses contains the most significant information on physiognomic characteristics and the circumstances under which the bodies were found. In some cases, archival images present a facial reconstruction of the victim that reflects the victim's main features. In other cases, pending possible recognition, a photograph of the corpse's face or personal items is published directly.
Let me know was born out of an attempt to give unrecognized bodies an identity. Photographs of unidentified faces and objects were reconstructed through apps that allow the creation of mosaics. All mosaics are composed of a set of Qrcodes that lead to fictitious identities created through an online fake identity generator. Each identity features not only the person's first and last name but also their residential address, and the ability to save their phone contact and location. This is data built on the basis of age group and ethnicity identified through forensic studies.
The viewer through their cell phone and scanning the Qrcode can give an identity to the face and save it in their phone book. Only by approaching the works is it possible to recognize and scan the code, making a gesture that gives dignity to unrecognized people and places them within a network of contacts.