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Comi's work stems from his study of the archaic peasant culture of the Pollino. In this isolated reality, eros and magic came together, giving rise to rituals necessary to justify various aspects of intimacy, among them: female homosexuality, seen not as free will, but as predestination. The artist thus proposes two works in close dialogue, which bring these rituals back to life, using archive images reworked using artificial intelligence. The ‘sbraie’, lesbians with an androgynous appearance, considered sorceresses capable of healing hysteria and venereal diseases; and a supine young woman, on which she places coloured corn kernels, tangible stigmas of the tension between instinct and cultural control.

è simenta fuornici sbraiata, è acqua chi sane e chi ristore,
è iazzu chi stute lu furori,
è fuocu chi l'acqua ti addissicche; biniditta chini l'ha criata,
biniditta 'a donna chi la tene
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